One of little G's outfits was accidentally felted when it went through the wash. So I tried making some baby booties from one of Martha Stewart's felt bootie patterns. First mistake: I sewed them on my sewing machine. Granted, I'm not so great at sewing stretch fabrics, but this turned out pretty bad. Next time, for such a little project, it will be worth doing some hand sewing. The felted knit stretched weirdly with the stitching, creating a funny shape - they almost look like booties for duck feet. But, I figured, if these would stay on her feet due to the ankle straps, it was worth shouldering ahead with the project. So I embellished them with some scrap yarn (using blanket stitch, whipstitch, and some lazy daisys), and put some little buttons on the straps.
And after all that work, and some intense patience required to fasten buttons on kicking little ankles, little G had a session of baby rage, and they immediately came off her feet. Strange how every time I try to put shoes on her, she has a fit of baby rage and the shoes come off.
In any case, the total cost of the project was zero dollars, thankfully.
I do like how the lazy daisys turned out. I am excited to use that stitch on another project.